To mark the International Literacy Day on the 8th of September 2019 , the first National Level Community Learning Center Exhibition and Fair was organized on 8th and 9th September 2019 at the Department of Youth and Sports.
The exhibition and Fair was organized with financial support from the Korean National Commission for UNESCO (KNCU) under “2019 Bridge Bhutan Project” in an effort towards enhancing “Literacy and Skills Development”.
The main objectives of organizing such an event were to
- Motivate both the CLC learners and the managers to become skilled at and earn to sustain their own additional livelihood and CLCs.
- Provide a platform to learn marketing skills by marketing their products.
- Facilitate exchange of ideas and knowledge among the CLCs.
- Promote entrepreneurship and develop networks of entrepreneurs as a key mechanism of economic revitalization in the community.
- Generate awarenes and recognize the work of CLC learners.
- Support in achieving the commitment to
SDG 4 - “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all”-the Education 2030 Agenda.
His Excellency the Sherig Lyonpo graced and inaugurated the 1st National Level CLC Exhibition & Fair as the Chief Guest, accompanied by the Hon’ble Secretary of Ministry of Education, Secretary General and delegation from KNCU. |