i) Scholarship Announcement: Normally undergraduate scholarship slots for the year are announced towards the third week of January before the class 12 results are declared. The announcement will be made in the print and broadcast media with the details in the Ministry of Education and DAHE websites.
ii) Application for scholarships: The application for undergraduate scholarships will be open from 1st to 15th February for a period of 15 days. Applications will have to be made online at www.citizenservices.gov.bt within the given timeframe.
iii) Merit Ranking: All applicants whose applications are accepted will be merit ranked and the merit ranking list uploaded in the websites (MoE and DAHE) by 20th of February.
iv) Selection Interview: Selection interview for the selection of candidates for undergraduate scholarships will be conducted by the end of February or 1st week of March.
v) Admission procedure:
- Admission and placement of students in the third countries are done directly with the universities and colleges based on the MoUs and linkages that are in place.
- Admission and placement of students under GoI funding is done through the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), New Delhi and EdCIL;
vi) Academic schedule:
- Academic session for students placed in Sri Lanka for MBBS begins from October onwards, while in Bangladesh the academic session is in January. By the time students are selected for scholarships which happens at the end of February, academic session for the year in Bangladesh will be over and as a result medical students placed in Bangladesh will be able to join the institutes only in the following year.
- Students placed in other third countries will be able to join the institutes for the fall intake of the same year after their selection in February.
- Since the academic session in India is from July to September, students placed in India will be able to join the universities and colleges in the same academic year unlike students placed in Bangladesh.