Bhutan Accreditation Council (BAC) accredited College of Science and Technology (CST), Jigme Namgyel Engineering College (JNEC), and Sherubtse College in Thimphu yesterday.

All three tertiary institutes were awarded grade A certificates.

Education Secretary, Karma Yeshey, said that the purpose of the accrediting institutes is to ensure quality and build competency. “Even if the quality of institutes in the country are not at par with that of an international one, we need to keep improving the quality as it needs to be ensured.”

President of JNEC, Andu Dukpa (PhD), said that it had been 44 years since the institute was established. “We will be able to see where stand after the accreditation.”

An institution is graded on the six core elements such as the curriculum, research and innovation, institutional linkage, management, administration and leadership, student support services, facilities, and learning resources, and internal quality assurance and enhancement system.

One of the senior accreditors, Singye Namgyel (PhD), said that there are many questions under the six core categories that determine the grade of the colleges. “Colleges that score 851 and above are graded as A+.

Royal Thimphu College (RTC) is the only college with A+ grade.

Accreditation is a renewal status as an institute could again apply for accreditation.

A group of about three accreditors visit the college for four days to verify and collect evidences. The visit happen after a college submits a self-assessment report based on accreditation principles and manuals.

Chief Programme officer of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Division (QAAD), NB Raika, said that in the 12th plan, QAAD plans to review accreditation manual. “Including quality-enhancement indicators in strategic plan could help guide an institute.”

The council also plans to assess programmes that are offered in institutes.

President of CST, Cheki Dorji (PhD), said that the first thing the college learnt during the accreditation process was documentation. “The college always wanted to have external panel members to improve the institute. Students also shared that this was good as it would improve the quality of education and the facilities in the college.”

BAC has accredited nine colleges until now.

Rinchen Zangmo
